1 | ||1:该变动将会是平缓的。||2:钟彬娴自1999年来执掌雅芳,她将留着主席的位置上并帮助董事会找到新的主席。||3:这对任何人来说都是棘手的。||4:雅芳是世界上最大的直销公司:雅芳有一支热情洋溢的销售大军,挨家挨户的推销产品。||5:总部坐落在纽约的雅芳已经有125年的历史,年收入超过100亿美元,经营范围超过100个国家。||6:但是最近雅芳发展严重受阻,其股价今年已经下跌了45%。 | ||1:The makeover will be gradual.||2:Ms Jung, who has run Avon since 1999, will stay on as chairman and help the board find a new boss.||3:It will be a tough job for anyone.||4:Avon is the world’s biggest direct-seller: an army of cheery salesfolk hawk its products door-to-door.||5:The 125-year-old New York-based company has an annual revenue of over $10 billion and operations in more than 100 countries.||6:But it has stumbled badly of late. | |
2 | ||1:该项目的投入也将直接创造1600个工作机会和间接创造8000个工作机会,每年发放的工资总额约3亿美元。||2:首批雇员来自世界各地,但约有50%的雇员是当地人,全球晶圆公司希望此比例有所增长。||3:该公司与当地的大专院校合作为未来打造人才储备库。||4:有一半以上的工作岗位要求至少有电子或半导体制造专业的大专学位(即由专科学校或社区大学授予)。||5: 全球晶圆公司同其他高科技公司一起,与哈德逊谷社区学院(Hudson Valley Community College)紧密合作,该学院拥有一个名为“TEC-SMART”的专门用于半导体相关培训的园区,也坐落于同一片森林区。 ||6:当地的高中生也能共享此资源。||7: “从某种程度上来说,我们正在为尚未出现的工作机会做准备。” 该地区一位负责人Joseph Dragone说。 | ||1: The investment will also create 1,600 direct jobs and about 8,000 indirect ones, creating an annual payroll of some $300m. ||2: The first hires come from all over the world, but about 50% are local, and GlobalFoundries expects this proportion to grow. ||3: It is working with local colleges and universities to create a labour pool for the future. ||4: More than half the jobs require at least an associate’s degree (ie, one granted by a technical or community college) in electronics or semiconductor manufacturing. ||5: Along with other high-tech companies, GlobalFoundries is working closely with Hudson Valley Community College, which has a dedicated semiconductor-training campus, called TEC-SMART, nestled in the same forest. ||6: It shares the space with local high-schoolers. ||7: “In a way we’re preparing for jobs that don’t exist yet,” says Joseph Dragone, a district superintendent. | |
3 | ||1:计算实际汇率,你需要每个国家的物价指标。||2:许多经济学家用的是消费价格指数。||3:但是消费价格指数包含了许多无法跨境交易的商品和服务(如住房出租)。||4:我们实际汇率(我们将定期对此进行更新)的衡量标准关注的是单位劳动力成本,更加直接的衡量竞争力:每件产品的劳动力价格。||5:这些价格在工资上涨或生产率(每个工人所生产的产品)下降时就会上涨。||6:根据劳动统计局的数据,自2005年第一季度以来,美国制造业的单位劳动力成本增加不到4%。||7:根据我们的统计,中国工业的单位劳动力成本同期增加了25%。 | ||1:To calculate the real exchange rate, you need a gauge of prices in each country.||2:Many economists use the consumer-price index (CPI).||3:But the CPI contains lots of goods and services (such as housing rents) that cannot be traded across borders.||4:Our measure of the real exchange rate, which we will regularly update, offers a more direct measure of competitiveness by looking instead at unit labour costs: the price of labour per widget.||5:These costs go up when wages rise or productivity (widgets per worker) falls.||6:In American manufacturing, unit labour costs have risen by less than 4% since the first quarter of 2005, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics.||7:In Chinese industry they have risen by 25% over that period, according to our sums. | |
4 | ||1:莱昂哈特先生的毕生心血都花在让世界了解羽管键琴是多么美好的一种乐器,以及应该怎样弹奏羽管键琴曲目上面。||2:当初,他父母替位于荷兰格雷弗兰村的房子买了一台音质很差的羽管键琴,从那时起他就爱上了这种乐器,认识到它是键盘乐器之王。||3:风琴具有高贵的特色,他曾在教堂弹奏多年的风琴。||4:小键琴则悦耳动听,他曾著过一本讨论弗兰芒小键琴的书。||5:但是古典钢琴糟透了,当琴槌敲出音调时到处都是压抑的声音,让他在弹奏他钟爱的莫扎特时大受打击,至于现代钢琴,简直糟得无法形容。||6:所有这些乐器都没有琴拨在琴弦上的直接拨动,而这正是他热爱羽管键琴的原因。不过同时要掌握这种发声机制也费劲得令人害怕,简直有如“恶魔”一般,这也是为什么他在演奏时从不微笑的原因。 | ||1:Mr Leonhardt’s life-work was to persuade the world how beautiful the harpsichord was, and how the harpsichord repertoire should be played.||2:When he first fell in love with it, in the shape of the fairly bad instrument his parents bought for their house at Graveland in the Netherlands, he recognised it as the king of keyboards.||3:Organs were noble characters, and he played church organ for years.||4:Virginals were pleasing; he wrote a book on Flemish examples.||5:But fortepianos were awful, the sound muffling all over the place when the hammer hit the keys, which put him off playing his beloved Mozart; and modern grands were unspeakable.||6:None had that direct pluck of plectrum on string for which he loved the harpsichord—though that mechanism was also fearsomely exacting, even “diabolical”, and that was why he did not smile as he played. | |
5 | 兰博主办的访谈节目“Booknotes”(一位作家,一本书,一小时)是他主持风格的最全面的体现。他很擅长问一些简短又直接的问题,而时常能取令人捧腹的效果。一次与英国历史学家马丁·吉尔伯特交谈时,兰博问道,温斯顿·丘吉尔是否参与过鸡奸: | Mr Lamb’s “Booknotes” (“One author, one book, one hour”) was the ultimate showcase of his style. He specialised in asking short, direct questions with sometimes hilarious results. One famous exchange with Martin Gilbert, a British historian, involved the question of whether Winston Churchill had ever engaged in buggery: |